About BenchSports

Who We Are

BenchSports.com is a sports pool hosting and management platform. We take all the burden off of you to run a sports/office pool and allow you to concentrate on participation instead of administration. No more compiling spreadsheets, and gathering picks, and then adding up the results. You set up the league, get the participants, make your choices and we do the rest (Scoring, Standings, etc.)

BenchSports was created in 2006 by Chad Tjelmeland to make life easier on office pool managers everywhere. Over the past 15+ years, BenchSports has offered pools for a number of different sports leagues and formats. Over the years, we've featured football, basketball, auto-racing, baseball and golf pools.

Our team acquired BenchSports from Chad in 2017 and since then we have re-branded and worked to make the site both more modern and more secure. We're currently focused on football only, but there are plans in the works to bring other sports back on board in the coming seasons.

If there's something you'd like to see on BenchSports, let us know. We're always willing to talk pools and make changes and upgrades to the web site to make managing your office pool easier and more convenient.

Customer Feedback

Micah - 2011

We were interested in running a Pick Em for the Indoor Football League, and BenchSports has been great in helping us get that set up. Each time I have had a question or issue it has been resolved very quickly, and the site has worked out perfect for us.

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